20th August 2024
By greyscape

Erica Mann: Beautiful Tree, Severed Roots

20th June 2024
By greyscape
19th June 2024
By greyscape




18th June 2024
By greyscape

Theodor Fischer

17th June 2024
By greyscape

Erich Mendelsohn’s first American project, Bnai Amoona Synagogue

27th May 2024
By greyscape

Lazlo Lauber left his mark on Budapest, first in the interwar years together with his partner István Nyiri and later working in the state system.

18th March 2024
By greyscape

Levy House, Chelsea

1st March 2024
By greyscape

Cohen House, Chelsea

29th February 2024
By greyscape
27th January 2024
By greyscape
12th January 2024
By greyscape
7th January 2024
By greyscape

Eero Saarinen, shaping America

10th August 2023
By greyscape

Pegli 3 Genoa’s concrete washing machines

4th August 2023
By greyscape
1st August 2023
By greyscape
24th June 2023
By greyscape

Rudolf Schroeder, leading architect of post war Pavilion Schools

31st May 2023
By greyscape

Otakar Novotný, Czech architect

9th January 2023
By greyscape

The legacy of Imre Makovecz

7th September 2022
By greyscape

Slovak Radio Building, Bratislava

6th September 2022
By greyscape
4th September 2022
By greyscape

Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne 1937


1st September 2022
By greyscape

Joaquim Cardozo

1st September 2022
By greyscape
1st September 2022
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25th May 2022
By greyscape

Birkin Haward

13th May 2022
By greyscape
11th April 2022
By greyscape
15th March 2022
By greyscape
architects Sergei Serafimov, S.Kravets and M.Felger
24th February 2022
By greyscape

Pulitzer Arts Foundation, St Louis Missouri

26th January 2022
By greyscape
18th January 2022
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31st October 2021
By greyscape

Boyan Chinkov, the subject of Case Number 258 – State Security against the Architect

31st October 2021
By greyscape
14th October 2021
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5th October 2021
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30th September 2021
By greyscape
30th September 2021
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28th September 2021
By greyscape
28th September 2021
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28th September 2021
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28th September 2021
By greyscape
28th September 2021
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28th September 2021
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28th September 2021
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28th September 2021
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28th September 2021
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24th September 2021
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architect Melnikov

Svobada Factory Club

23rd September 2021
By greyscape
20th September 2021
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Whitecross Street, steeped in London history.

11th September 2021
By greyscape
Hans Poelzig at his desk

The huge contribution of Hans Poelzig

4th September 2021
By greyscape
Werkbundsiedlung Prague
9th August 2021
By greyscape

Villa Glucklich

9th August 2021
By greyscape
Berthold Lubetkin modernist behaviourist design

Penguin Pool, London Zoo Berthold Lubetkin

23rd June 2021
By greyscape
coventry road network brutalist photo
9th May 2021
By greyscape
model of the teardrop car

Norman Bel Geddes

3rd May 2021
By greyscape
john lewis partnership modernist architecture

John Lewis Department Store, Oxford Street, London 1960

25th April 2021
By greyscape
La Serra Ivrea for Olivetti

La Serra Complex, Ivrea

9th April 2021
By greyscape
Women's college Chandagarh

Eulie Chowdhury, Indian Modernist architect

8th March 2021
By greyscape
4th March 2021
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21st February 2021
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2nd February 2021
By greyscape
2nd February 2021
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18th January 2021
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Konstantin Melnikov's Rusakov Workers Club

Rusakov Workers Club

6th January 2021
By greyscape
serbian spomenik popina

Popina Monument Park

5th January 2021
By greyscape
balconies of Hotel Evropa

To be frank, Hotel Evropa has seen better days.

30th December 2020
By greyscape
Lingotto the fiat factory Italy

The Fiat car company and its founders the Agnelli family are the perfect medium to understand the development of Italian politics, industry and design in the 20th Century. 

28th December 2020
By greyscape

André Wogenscky

22nd December 2020
By greyscape
curved staircase antwerp

Nachman Kaplansky

16th December 2020
By greyscape
corbusier Firminy unite d'habitation

Corbusier’s Vertical Garden City

16th December 2020
By greyscape
brutalist architecture in India

Lalit Kala Akademi

10th December 2020
By greyscape
Shiv Nath Prasad architecture

Shri Ram Centre for the Performing Arts

9th December 2020
By greyscape
brutalist architecture in India

Tibet House, New Delhi, India

9th December 2020
By greyscape
indian architecture

Shav Nath Prasad

9th December 2020
By greyscape
Shiv Nath Prasad

Akbar Hotel

9th December 2020
By greyscape
brutalist polish architecture hotel forum
26th November 2020
By greyscape
26th November 2020
By greyscape
Robbie the Robot at Whitechapel Gallery

This is Tomorrow

5th November 2020
By greyscape
aerial view of boston city hall 2019

Boston City Hall

5th November 2020
By greyscape
Gateway to the west

Gateway Arch, St Louis Missouri

30th October 2020
By greyscape

Aviamotornaya Metro Station, Nekrasovskaya line, Moscow

18th October 2020
By greyscape
view across library

Shiba Ryotaro Memorial Museum Library

15th October 2020
By greyscape
cinema 1927 Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße No. 30 in Berlin-Mitte

Kino Babylon

26th September 2020
By greyscape
side of house multi story

Lovell Beach House

25th August 2020
By greyscape
front view from side east beach cafe

East Beach Cafe, Littlehampton, England

22nd August 2020
By greyscape
11th August 2020
By greyscape
7th August 2020
By greyscape
entrance to Isokon flats and gallery

The Isokon Company and Lawn Road Flats

2nd August 2020
By greyscape

Stalinist Architecture

24th July 2020
By greyscape
brutalist structure brazil

João da Gama Filgueiras Lima (Lelé):

Centro de Exposições do Centro Administrativo da Bahia – Approx 1974

20th July 2020
By greyscape
Entrance to area of La Muralla Roja
11th July 2020
By greyscape
oskar schlemmer triadic ballet individual figure

Oskar Schlemmer Triadic Ballet

10th July 2020
By greyscape
terracotta and white architecture in Spain

Richardo Bofill

10th July 2020
By greyscape
17th June 2020
By greyscape
17th June 2020
By greyscape
view of desk and cupboards villa Kolb switzerland

Villa Kolb

A-Z Lexicon of Architecture

24th March 2020
By greyscape
15th March 2020
By greyscape
maison drusch cube shaped house

Claude Parent

15th March 2020
By greyscape
interior of US pavilion Expo '67
6th March 2020
By greyscape