
A lot of voices were heard – but weren’t listened to – NEWS UPDATE.
23rd October 2022

Barbican Lake on the iconic brutalist barbican estate
The Barbican Estate built by Chamberlain, Powell and Bon took a dream and a vision conceived on a bomb shattered piece of land in the centre of the City of London.
10th July 2017

Lea Lund and Erik K, ‘a story about love, a photographer finding her muse and a subject claiming his identity’
1st September 2023

Concrete and Clay, Unit Four Plus Two, the Barbican’s First Music Video Unit Four Plus Two
29th December 2019

If you have a hankering to experience the vigour, invention and imagination of world-class street art a short walk from the Barbican Centre then head for Whitecross Street.
11th September 2021

Jo’s Art History Podcast with Greyscape | The Barbican Living in an Architectural Experiment
1st June 2021