Community Posts

Gingerbread City at the Museum of Architecture; How buildings made of sugar and spice help us understand the challenges ahead


2nd December 2023
By greyscape
edwin lipburger kugelmugel vienna prater

Imagine a republic in a spherical house located on a small hill.

There you have it, a kugel on a mugel.

17th January 2019
By greyscape
concrete architecture

Looking back Looking forward: What has been lost and what can still be saved

31st December 2021
By greyscape

Reclaiming Public Space WXSP: One of the best reasons to take a detour if you are heading over to the Barbican this weekend

5th July 2022
By greyscape
slovak brutalist architecture in london

Virtual Tour of the Czech and Slovak Embassies in London | Brutal Beauty

12th June 2021
By greyscape
Jos art history podcast

Jo’s Art History Podcast with Greyscape | The Barbican Living in an Architectural Experiment

1st June 2021
By greyscape
street view towards Barbican Station

The Barbican – Concrete Community

17th May 2021
By greyscape
street art london sam kerridge

Sam Kerridge: Processing Cityscapes, grab your camera and follow the geotags

5th December 2020
By greyscape
corbusier's family home in Lausanne image at sunset towards the lake


A Global Photo Project Documenting Self-Isolation In The Age Of Covid-19

7th November 2020
By greyscape
walking around the barbican estate

Off the béton track: The Barbican Archive Residency: 19-20 October 2019

10th October 2019
By greyscape
Czech Modernist Villa Volman newly restored

Villa Volman

Why was this Modernist house a short distance from Prague neglected and ignored for decades?

5th January 2018
By greyscape
Berlin Hufeisensiedlung Bruno Taut

Berlin: A Magnificent Architectural Journey
A key city in Europe that has regularly been remade.

8th July 2017
By greyscape